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Testina London Jubilee

Testina London Jubilee
Testina London Jubilee
  • A magazzino: A magazzino
  • Model: VTZOOL

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London phono cartridges still carry the famous Decca name (even if only in parentheses), but they are now produced by John Wright, a precision engineer and ex-Decca employee. Wright (not to be confused with his IMF and more recent TDL loudspeaker-designer namesake) was assigned the rights in 1989 by Decca's Special Products division (footnote 1), when the company's new owner, Racal, decided that they didn't want to be involved in the manufacture of audio equipment. Wright worked for 20 years in Decca's phono-cartridge division, where he gained a wealth of experience. As well as manufacturing the current range of London cartridges, he is also responsible for servicing and overhauling older Decca models.



  • Stylus: extended line-contact
  • Frequency range: 20Hz to 40kHz
  • Output: 5mV 
  • VTF: 1.8g
  • Weight: 6.7g
  • Output impedance: 2k ohms
  • Dynamic compliance: 15x10-6cm/Dyne
  • Channel separation @ 1kHz: >25dB
  • Load impedance: 47k ohms

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