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Convertitore Accuphase DC-1000

Convertitore Accuphase DC-1000
Convertitore Accuphase DC-1000
Convertitore Accuphase DC-1000
Convertitore Accuphase DC-1000
Convertitore Accuphase DC-1000
  • A magazzino: A magazzino
  • Model: 1810092

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Accuphase celebrates 50 years of manufacturing with the DC-1000, a digital processor developed to deliver the ultimate in performance and sound quality. It is equipped with the ES9038 PRO (ESS Technologies) processor: an 8MDSD (DSD signal) / 8MDS++ (PCM signal) type D/A converter that drives 8 channels in parallel to deliver almost 3 times more performance than single channel converters. Low-noise technologies refined during development of the amplifiers, like amplification of ANCC and internal signals and parallel arrangement of power circuits, allow the DC-1000 to deliver unprecedented levels of emotion.

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